Your Kiez

Festivals stand for solidarity and wild celebrations, for freedom and for community.  

The current challenges facing our society show us once again how important solidarity in our society and climate protection are. Promoting both at our campsite is therefore particularly important to us. That's why we founded the Kiez. Our neighborhood stands for community, mindfulness for each other and for our environment. Let's make the splash! greener together!   

Kiez is the German word for "neighborhood" or "district" and typically refers to a local area within a city that has a distinct community, culture and familiy atmosphere. That's why we have a Kiez at our festival. 

What makes the Kiez so unique 


All residents of the Kiez are committed to behave in the most climate-friendly way possible. But what exactly does that mean?

  • We save food together and offer you the option of a food sharing stand for leftover food and drink.
  • Separate your waste so that as much of it as possible can be returned to the cycle.
  • The worm bin turns organic waste into valuable fertilizer! 
  • Use the solar energy from the solar power station to charge your (cell phone) batteries.

Important: No parking spaces are available for residents of the Kiez.


Kiez stands for neighborhood and community and emphasizes the social aspect in each of us. This is exactly what you can experience in the Kiez. Get involved with something you are good at, something you want to share or take part in the joint activities that our Kiez-Meister:innen have prepared for you. For example, the Kiez brunch together with Foodsharing, which takes place every day.    

Would you like to contribute something yourself that promotes the neighborhood in the Kiez? Just write us your ideas in the registration form and we will support you in implementing them. There are no limits to your imagination: Theme parties, karaoke, rap battles, tarot card readings, speed dating, beer pong tournaments - you name it!    

The important thing is that the idea should promote the community and be in line with our Kiez guidelines.

Our Kiez

  1. Community and Respect
    You respect not only your tent neighbor, but also your environment. The Kiez is a place for you to share, exchange and get to know each other.
  2. Minimalism
    You have packed sustainably and only bring the essentials to the festival. Reuse is a matter close to your heart. Have you forgotten something? Use the neighborhood community to support each other. 
  3. Waste separation
    You keep the neighborhood clean by separating your waste and disposing of it in the designated waste containers for cardboard, plastic, metal, residual waste, organic waste and butts.
  4. Take home again
    After the festival, you take everything you brought home with you.

Registration Form

You can use the following form to register for the Kiez. Important: You must already have a festival ticket to register.

Everyone must register individually. No group registrations will be accepted. You will then receive a confirmation email summarizing all the information.   

If you want to contribute something to the Kiez, submit your ideas for the neighborhood via the form as well. The ideas should promote the community and be in line with our Kiez rules. We will support you in implementing them.

To the registration form


The Kiez is centrally located on the campsite next to the FAIRopolis area. The area is outlined and marked separately. You can also see the exact location on our site map.

Check In

You can check in on site at our reception. Show your registration confirmation on your cell phone - please do not print it out. Don't worry if that doesn't work: your name will also be added to our list. Our Kiezmeister:innen will be happy to help you find a suitable place.

On site 

The less luggage you have, the easier it is to travel by bus, train or bike. We recommend that you use the Utopia / Mein Zelt steht schon- service and rent the camping equipment on site. To ensure that your rented tent is also placed in the Kiez, please inform us of your booking with Utopia / MZSS in the registration form. The booking for your tent must be made via the Utopia/Mein Zelt steht website. 

For organizational reasons, it is not possible for us to reserve spots for groups. Please arrive in good time to find a suitable spot as a group. We will reserve a central space for all those who contribute an idea to the Kiez.


If you have any questions or would like to withdraw your registration, please send us an e-mail with the subject "Kiez" to


04–06.07.24 ferropolis

